506th Fighter Group

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"506th Fighter Group, Iwo Jima, 1945"

NEW! The last books of the 1st printing are now in stock.

NEW! 8 1/2 x 11 high quality prints of  Captain Aust's [Ace] 5th victory and his P-51D #505 profile, now included at no additional charge.

Book contains decals for the modelers of the world.

1 Limited Edition Version Available and on Sale

Product of the Month!
Show product details for The History of 506th Fighter Group Iwo Jima to Japan Special Edition 1945

The History of 506th Fighter Group Iwo Jima to Japan Special Edition 1945

Price $34.95

List Price: $39.95

You Save: $5.00 (13%)


506th Fighter Group - 201 Plantation Club Drive 1010, Melbourne, FL 32940, US